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Letter to the Editor: No outside pets allowed for PAWS adoptions?

By Stacy Babcock, Charles City

I found it quite ironic while I was reading about this week’s Pet of the Week.

It said: “It’s heartbreaking that I am still homeless after nearly 5 months at PAWS.”

My family went to PAWS one Saturday morning to look at the dogs approximately 15 months ago, only to be told that they really don’t like to adopt dogs to families if they are going to be outside dogs. They have been through enough and need the companionship with people in the house. She thinks animals need to be in a house.

I’m not sure exactly how she said it, but that is what she meant.

So she took our name and number and we haven’t heard anything since.

I guess if they don’t want to let people adopt dogs who are going to have them live outside they can keep the dogs in the shelter for 5-plus months.


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