07 November 2011

Little Walnut Picnic Area construction continues

Temporary closure of the Little Walnut Picnic Area on the Silver City Ranger District in the Gila National Forest is expected to continue throu...
13 October 2011

Discussion turns to chickens at council meeting

By ROGER LANSE Daily Press Staff Chickens ruled the roost at the Silver City Town Council meeting Tuesday. Councilor Michael Morones said t...
20 September 2011

Free admission planned at cliff dwellings

National Public Lands Day will be held Saturday, Sept. 24, and Steve Riley, Gila Cliff Dwellings National Monument superintendent, has announce...
19 September 2011

Raid on a Deming gun shop nets 1,200 firearms

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. (AP) — Federal authorities seized more than 1,200 fi rearms and nearly 2 million rounds of ammunition when they raided a fa...
08 September 2011

Representatives disagree on immigrant licenses

By JIM OWEN Daily Press Staff Grant County’s two members of the New Mexico House of Representatives differ on a proposal to repeal a 2003...
06 September 2011

Memorial observance set at Bataan Park

A memorial observance to “ remember those lost and to thank the local first responders who aid people every day in Grant County' will be held...
30 August 2011

Desert bighorn sheep to be discussed

By JIM OWEN Daily Press Staff Meetings to discuss a proposal to delist the desert bighorn sheep as an endangered species will be held next ...
17 August 2011

Continuing drought hurting area ranchers

By JIM OWEN Daily Press Staff The continuing drought is severely straining the budgets of ranchers, many of whom have been forced to haul w...
26 July 2011

Bingaman to receive award

U.S. Sen. Jeff Bingaman, D-N.M., a native of Silver City, is one of three recipients of the 2011 Franklin Delano Roosevelt Distinguished Public...
20 July 2011

Kirtland base officials working around wildlife

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. (AP) — Most people don’t think of bathing bears, prowling cougars or burrowing owl counts when theythink of Kirtland Air...