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Some like it hot: Nashua Water Over the Dam Days another hit

  • A variety of muddy obstacles are part of the Nashua Water Over the Dam Days Dam Mud Run. Nashua Recorder photo by Jennifer Lantz

  • A variety of muddy obstacles are part of the Nashua Water Over the Dam Days Dam Mud Run. Nashua Recorder photo by Jennifer Lantz

  • Glendora Nicholson and Beth Waller are the grand marshals for the Nashua Water Over the Dam Days parade Saturday. Nashua Recorder photo by Jennifer Lantz

  • Kids scurry to pick up candy during the Nashua Water Over the Dam Days parade Saturday morning. Nashua Recorder photo by Jennifer Lantz

  • Queen Lisa Rick and Princess Ava Peterson wave to the crowd during the Nashua Water Over the Dam Days parade Saturday morning. Nashua Recorder photo by Jennifer Lantz

  • A wide variety of floats and other entries takes part in the popular Nashua Water Over the Dam Days parade, held Saturday morning. Nashua Recorder photo by Jennifer Lantz

  • A member of the Waterhawks Ski Team shows some tricks during the group's show Friday evening. Nashua Recorder photo by Jennifer Lantz

  • Members of the North Iowa Tae Kwon Do group give a demonstration during the Nashua Water Over the Dam Days activities. Nashua Recorder photo by Jennifer Lantz

By Jennifer Lantz, Of The Nashua Reporter

In one word, hot! The weather for the Water Over the Dam Days celebration was warm this year, but the four-day event had plenty of activities and excitement.

Thursday evening’s events were at the Big 4 Fairground because of rain. Kids enjoyed the indoor games and food while the festival royalty was also chosen for the weekend.

Princess Ava Peterson and Prince Dominick Sinnwell were chosen after all introductions and questions were answered by the contestants.

Water Over the Dam Days 2019 Queen Lisa Rick was picked by the judges after writing a short essay about the great things about living in Nashua. Rick is the daughter of Argia Greiner and Jeff Rick and will be a senior at Nashua-Plainfield High School in the fall. After graduation she plans to attend UNI to receive a degree in nursing.

More than 200 runners took part in the Dam Mud Run Friday evening, and participants and spectators enjoyed the adventures going through water, mud and land obstacles.

The Waterhawks Ski team showed the members’ talents on the water with great jumps and pyramids, and the evening ended with County Line Drive band from the Rochester area. The drummer, Ryan Utterback, a New Hampton High School alumni, said he enjoyed coming back to Chickasaw county to play for family and friends.

“Nothing better than this,” said Utterback.

Parade grand marshals Glendora Nicholson and Beth Waller had their families with them to celebrate the weekend. The retired Nashua Schools employees said they were honored but humbled by the recognition, adding, “There are so many others who do so much for the community.”

After the parade Saturday there were many activities throughout the day, and the heat didn’t stop kids from playing in the park and the adults from enjoying volleyball, horseshoe and bag tournaments while Endless Summer played in the background.

The evening brought fireworks over the Cedar Lake and the Standing Hamptons to the stage. Many class reunions joined the fun to reminisce about the old days in Nashua.

“It was a hot one,” said WODD organizer Tori Ulrichs. “We thank everyone for braving the heat and coming out.”

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