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Charles City Foster Grandparent Program celebrates with winter appreciation dinner

Charles City Foster Grandparent Program celebrates with winter appreciation dinner
Charles City Foster Grandparents Program foster grandmothers and program staff gather for a group photo at the program’s winter appreciation dinner Thursday at St. John Evangelical Lutheran Church. In front are (from left) Office Coordinator Jean Boley, Field Coordinator Colleen Ortmayer, Director Jennifer Lantz and Field Coordinator/Recruiter Kyndra McDonald.. The group also celebrated Ortmayer’s retirement after 20 years as a field coordinator and foster grandma. Press photo by Bob Steenson
By Bob Steenson,

Charles City Foster Grandparents Program foster grandmas and staff gathered for a day of games, lunch, snacks, prizes and entertainment Thursday.

The event, held at St. John Evangelical Lutheran Church, was the group’s annual winter appreciation dinner, this year dubbed the “Snowflake Ball.”

Entertainment was first provided by a group of 4- and 5-year-olds from St. John Christian Preschool, who performed several numbers, ending with a bell-accompanied “Jingle Bells.”

Special entertainment for the day was provided by Pastor Drew McHolm and his wife, Jesse Boatright, of the Little Brown Church in Nashua, professional singers who told stories and sang an assortment of popular 1950s and 1960s tunes mixed with Christmas songs, finishing with “Silent Night.”

Part of the day’s festivities was celebrating the retirement after more than 20 years of Colleen Ortmayer, who has served as a program field coordinator and was a foster grandparent herself.

The program provides foster grandparents for more than 20 child care, preschool and classroom sites in Floyd, Mitchell, Chickasaw and Cerro Gordo counties. Charles City has been the official local sponsor of the program for more than 30 years.

For more information about the Foster Grandparent program or becoming a foster grandparent, call 641-257-6327 or click the application link under the Foster Grandparent section of the Charles City website,

Charles City Foster Grandparent Program celebrates with winter appreciation dinner
Charles City Foster Grandparents Program Director Jennifer Lantz and Field Coordinator/Recruiter Kyndra McDonald sort socks, hats and mittens that were donated by foster grandparents at the Foster Grandparent Program Snowflake Ball winter appreciation dinner, held Thursday at St. John Evangelical Lutheran Church in Charles City. The items will be distributed to the Foster Grandparent sites for children who need them. Press photo by Bob Steenson
Charles City Foster Grandparent Program celebrates with winter appreciation dinner
Pastor Drew McHolm and his wife, Jesse Boatright, of the Little Brown Church in Nashua, provide entertainment at the Foster Grandparents Program winter appreciation dinner Thursday at the St. John Evangelical Lutheran Church in Charles City. Press photo by Bob Steenson
Charles City Foster Grandparent Program celebrates with winter appreciation dinner
Pastor Drew McHolm and his wife, Jesse Boatright, of the Little Brown Church in Nashua, provide entertainment at the Foster Grandparents Program winter appreciation dinner Thursday at the St. John Evangelical Lutheran Church in Charles City. Press photo by Bob Steenson
Charles City Foster Grandparent Program celebrates with winter appreciation dinner
Pastor Drew McHolm and his wife, Jesse Boatright, of the Little Brown Church in Nashua, provide entertainment at the Foster Grandparents Program winter appreciation dinner Thursday at the St. John Evangelical Lutheran Church in Charles City. The couple told stories and sang an assortment of popular 1950s and 1960s tunes mixed with Christmas songs, finishing with “Silent Night.” Press photo by Bob Steenson
Charles City Foster Grandparent Program celebrates with winter appreciation dinner
Members of the St. John Christian Preschool perform at the Foster Grandparent Program winter appreciation dinner held Thursday at St. john Evangelical Lutheran Church in Charles City. The kids finished their selections with “Jingle Bells.” Submitted photo
Charles City Foster Grandparent Program celebrates with winter appreciation dinner
Members of the St. John Christian Preschool perform at the Foster Grandparent Program winter appreciation dinner held Thursday at St. John Evangelical Lutheran Church in Charles City. Press photo by Bob Steenson

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