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Charles City Memorial Day program scheduled

Charles City Memorial Day program scheduled
Boy Scout Troop #166 raises the colors at the VFW’s 2023 Memorial Day ceremony. This year’s event will be at 11 a.m. Monday, May 27, at the VFW. Press file photo by Travis Fischer

Charles City VFW Post 3914 will honor fallen servicemen with a Memorial Day remembrance program at 11 a.m. on Monday, May 27, at the VFW Hall, 1505 N. Grand Ave.

Charles City Historic Preservation Commission member Christopher Anthony is scheduled to be the featured speaker at the program with Pastor Patty Kellogg providing the benediction.

Flags will be raised by the local Boy Scout troop and the high school band will provide music for the event. It is recommended to bring your own lawn chairs for seating.

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