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Seven Floyd County Medical Center employees honored with veterans Quilts of Valor

Seven Floyd County Medical Center employees honored with veterans Quilts of Valor
Newly draped recipients of a Quilt of Valor from the Floyd County Quilts of Valor organization listen to Mary Williams, the leader of the county group, explain the significance of the quilts. Recipients are, from left, Robin Howe, Floyd; Alan Willis, Charles City; Ronnie Flick, Rockford; Thomas Cain, Charles City; Troy Loeckle, Floyd; Joshua Bulman, Rockford; and Avery Holmgren, Nashua. All seven of the recipients are employees of the Charles City Medical Center, and the ceremony was held Wednesday evening at the medical center’s Veterans Room. Press photo by Bob Steenson
By Bob Steenson,

Seven veterans, all currently employees of the Floyd County Medical Center, were honored in a special ceremony held Wednesday evening, May 22, at the Medical Center.

Mary Williams, leader of the Floyd County Quilts of Valor, led the program through a prayer, Pledge of Allegiance and national anthem, explained the history and significance of receiving a Quilt of Valor, then read a brief summary of each veteran’s service history.

The seven veterans honored were:

• Robin Howe, Floyd, who served in the Navy from 1995 to 1997. Her quilt was pieced by Mary Williams, quilted by Lisa Gebel and draped over her shoulders by Lisa Gebel and Jen Burton.

• Alan Willis, Charles City, who served in the Army, Marine Corps and Navy, from 1984 to 1994. His quilt was pieced by Sharon Enabnit, quilted by Lisa Gebel, and draped by Sharon Enabnit and Lisa Gebel.

• Ronnie Flick, Rockford, who served in the Marine Corps from 1984 to 1988. His quilt was pieced by Sharon Enabnit, quilted by Barb Bean and draped by Sharon Enabnit and Wyona Stewart.

• Thomas Cain, Charles City, who served in the Navy from 1985 to 1988 and in the Reserves from 1988 to 1993. His quilt was pieced and quilted by Becky Lindaman and draped by Jen Burton and Bonnie Huber.

• Troy Loeckle, Floyd, who served in the Air Force from 1988 to 1992. His quilt was pieced by Wyona Stewart, quilted by Teresa Landt and draped by Wyona Stewart and Sharon Enabnit.

• Joshua Bulman, Rockford, who served in the Army from 2007 to 2014. His quilt was pieced and quilted by Mary Jo Lacour and draped by Bonnie Huber and Sharon Enabnit.

• Avery Holmgren, Nashua, who served in the Army from 2011 to 2019. His quilt was pieced by Sue Heitbrink, quilted by Jen Burton and draped over his shoulders by Jen Burton and Wyona Stewart.

Williams said the quilts represent a heartfelt thank-you to the veterans and their families, and are meant as a healing and comforting gesture, “a tangible thing that a veteran can wrap around themselves and know that someone thought about them with love and caring.”

The Floyd County Quits of Valor group, part of the national Quilts of Valor organization, will provide a quilt free of charge to any veteran or current service member.

If any veteran from Floyd County or a family member or friend would like to have a veteran honored, contact Al Williams at 641-330-9709. Any community member in Floyd County who would like to be part of the county Quilt of Valor group and sew quilts or otherwise help out for veteran presentations should call Mary Williams at 641-330-1709.

Seven Floyd County Medical Center employees honored with veterans Quilts of Valor
Lisa Gebel and Jen Burton drape a Quilt of Valor over the shoulders of Robin Howe, a Navy veteran who served from 1995 to 1997. Seven Floyd County Medical Center armed forces veterans were honored with quilts in a ceremony Wednesday evening at the county hospital’s Veterans Room. Press photo by Bob Steenson
Seven Floyd County Medical Center employees honored with veterans Quilts of Valor
Sharon Enabnit and Wyona Stewart show the Quilt of Valor that they will soon drape over the shoulders of veteran Ronnie Flick, who is behind the quilt, at a Quilt of Valor ceremony held Wednesday evening at the Floyd County Medical Center. Press photo by Bob Steenson

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