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Charles City music students visit New York City

Charles City music students visit New York City
50 students and six chaperones trekked to New York City last week for the Charles City Music Department’s biennial road trip. Submitted photo
By Travis Fischer,

Charles City music students took a bite out of the Big Apple last week, taking a trip to New York City.

“It was a fantastic trip across the board,” said band director Jacob Gassman.

Every two years the music department plans a trip to give the students a firsthand look at arts and culture in a major city, generally alternating between Chicago and New York.

This year’s trip began on Tuesday, June 4, as 50 students and six chaperones hopped on a bus for a 24-hour drive from Charles City to Rockefeller Center. Generally the New York trip takes place earlier in the year, however taking the trip in June presented the students with an opportunity to experience musical performances at the highest professional levels.

“This year, because we traveled in time, we were able to hear the New York Philharmonic perform,” said Gassman. “They’re seeing a world class orchestra performance.”

Charles City music students visit New York City
Kayona Flowers, Jay’niah Flowers-Caldwell, and Keyrra Flowers visited the Statue of Liberty during their New York trip last week. Submitted photo

The fine arts-focused itinerary also included a Broadway show as the tour group enjoyed a performance of “Hadestown” at the Walter Kerr Theatre.

During the day, the group spent its time touring the city, visiting famous locations like St. Patrick’s Cathedral, Times Square, Central Park and the American Museum of Natural History.

“All these things they see on TV, they’re seeing in person now,” said Gassman.

After three days in the big city, the group got back on their bus and returned home. Gassman said that the trip went off without a hitch, with no problems getting everybody there and back safely.

“Our kids are pretty great, so that makes it really easy,” he said.

Charles City music students visit New York City
Charles City music students enjoyed the New York skyline during their trip to the Big Apple. Pictured are (back) DaShawn Griffin, Jacob Diers, Alex Haus, Taylor Myhre, Anton Dittmer, Ellie Gassman, (front) Adrian Ibarra, Mikey Bauer, Mikyla Sellers, and Emily Jones. Submitted photo

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