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Charles City FFA students and advisor attend Washington leadership conference

Charles City FFA students and advisor attend Washington leadership conference
Charles City FFA students Olivia Kreger and Everett Schmitt and their Charles City High School FFA Advisor Michelle Dohlman stand in front of the Washington Memorial and the Lincoln Memorial Reflecting Pool during a recent trip to Washington, DC, for a week-long FFA leadership conference. Submitted photo
To The Press

Two Charles City FFA students and one of their advisors spent a week in the nation’s capital recently, as part of a national FAA leadership event.

Everett Schmitt and Olivia Kreger, along with Charles City High School ag education teacher and FFA advisor Michelle Dohlman, attended the Washington Leadership Conference during the second week of June.

The conference gives FFA members “a premier leadership experience while exposing them to the rich history of Washington, D.C.,” according to information from the conference.

“WLC inspires FFA members to become changemakers in their communities,” it said. “Each day of the conference focuses on a different principle taught through the context of our nation’s capital. These principles include exploration, encouragement, advocacy and service. At the end of the week, members leave with a Living to Serve Plan they can implement in their communities.”

Dohlman said Schmitt, Kreger and she visited many historic sites including a night tour of monuments and memorials including Lincoln, Washington, FDR, Vietnam War Memorial, World War II, and Iwo Jima, as well as visiting Arlington National Cemetery, the Library of Congress, the Capitol building and the Holocaust Museum.

“The direct instruction from camp counselors included breaking into groups, building skills, learning about other members, sharing chapter ideas, and participating in the Meals of Hope service to end hunger,” Dohlman said.

“We are very grateful for the opportunity to attend this conference, and have ideas to share as we prepare the agriculture education program for the next school year,” she said.

Charles City FFA students and advisor attend Washington leadership conference
Charles City FFA students Olivia Kreger and Everett Schmitt stand next to the statue of Iowan Norman Borlaug in the National Statuary Hall in Washington, DC. The students were in Washington for the FFA Washington Leadership Conference the second week of June. Submitted photo

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