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Charles City Library hosts puzzles and pizza party

Charles City Library hosts puzzles and pizza party
Families and friends came together for pizza and puzzles at the Charles City Public Library on Thursday, Dec. 26. Press photo by Travis Fischer
By Travis Fischer,

It was the day after Christmas but plenty of glee could still be found at the public library.

Families and friends found a post-holiday treat, with puzzles to solve and pizza to eat.

Three teams set out to put each piece in place, solving their puzzle in a friendly race.

Donated puzzles the library does accrue, from scenic landscapes to birds in a bath.

“We have puzzles to check out too,” said Assistant Director Dana Schwickerath.

With a bit of help from some eagle-eyed friends, the first puzzle was solved by Kathy Behrens.

The program extended the holiday cheer and more is to come at the library next year.

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