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Department of Veterans Affairs looks to ensure GC vets have access to care

The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs “is taking the first step necessary to ensure that Grant County veterans have adequate access to health-care services,’ according to U.S. Sen. Jeff Bingaman, D-N.M.

He announced that the agency this week will issue a request for proposals for potential sites to house an outpatient clinic in Silver City. The plan is to open the facility by April 2011.

“While the Silver City VA clinic has been on a list for expansion for several years, the process has been slow,’ Bingaman said. “I am pleased tolearn that the VA is finally taking action to move the facility to an improved location.’

Clinics in Silver City and four other New Mexico communities “are too small and need to be upgraded; and the process for leasing new, more suitable space takes too long,’ he said in a December news release.

Earlier that month, a lease was extended for one year for the Silver City clinic, according to Bill Armstrong, public-affairs specialist for the New Mexico VA Health Care System. He said the agency would be “searching for expanded space in (2010).’

In November, Bingamanwrote to VA Secretary Eric Shineski, “highlighting problems with several of New Mexico’s 13 community-based outpatient clinics.’

The senator, a Silver City native, “has been instrumental in bringing the need to improve New Mexico’s VA clinics to the attention of the White House,’ according to the latest release from Bingaman’s office. “In a meeting with VA officials last year, he said many of the state’s VA clinic facilities are too small and need to be upgraded; and chided the VA for taking too long to find new, more suitable spaces.’

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