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Spanish returns to university

It has been three years since any sort of degree in Spanish has been taught to students at Western New Mexico University, in a state and region where a near majority of residents speak some Spanish. Now, with student input, Spanish will return to WNMU as a minor to start.

The new Spanish program ties in with the university’s ongoing shift in identity to an applied liberal arts platform and the majors incorporated therein. The WNMU administration and Board of Regents announced and approved their plans to shift to an applied liberal arts focus in early 2016. During the 2017 session of the New Mexico Legislature, both houses passed a memorial to name WNMU the state’s liberal arts university.

True to that vision, professor of Spanish and cultural studies Lydia Huerta remodeled the Spanish program before pitching it to the university. Specifically, she focused on the people the program would affect — the students who might enroll.

“This wasn’t created in a vacuum,” Huerta said, “but with a lot of input from students. I spoke with a lot of them, and most really wanted it to be applicable to their majors.”

“When Dr. Huerta was working on structuring the minor, she factored in a good many requests — and we have offered a couple of courses — for Spanish and culture, Spanish and business,” said Jack Crocker, WNMU provost and vice president of Academic Affairs.

So, the new minor program will be smaller than its previous incarnation. It will include just two intensive core courses at the 102 and 202 levels, followed by a 300 level class on grammar and culture. After that, students will be able to choose between one of two translation courses, a Spanish for professors class or a Spanish for health care class.

When the previous Spanish degree program was eliminated in 2014, it was done through WNMU’s regular program prioritization process. Simply put, the program drew fewer and fewer students to enroll.

“That option, to apply the Spanish skills to their prospective career, was not available for students. It was a more classical Spanish language major. Over the years, students just were not going into that program.”

For those students already proficient in the Spanish language, Huerta said the new program allows them to test out of the earlier language classes to get to the later, more applicable to their majors, “cool” classes.

“I think that will be most beneficial to the students as well as the program,” she said.

For now, the program will just be a minor. But, Huerta and Crocker said it was designed with the capability to expand.

“Because we’re in the middle of budget cuts, it can’t be a major yet,” Huerta said. New Mexico state government cuts to Higher Education and most other departments, due to state budget problems, have left universities statewide tightening belts. “But the idea is that, based on finances and if enough students enroll, we could be a major eventually.”

That would mean adding at least a lecturer or adjunct.

The Spanish courses will also be available for students who want to add those to their core major without enrolling in the minor, according to Crocker.

As of now, Huerta will also be the sole professor teaching in the program. That too could change provided enough students enroll.

Crocker said this new program will tie perfectly to the university’s overall applied liberal arts and sciences bent.

“One of the approaches to the applied liberal arts and sciences is to embed within the systems much more focused approaches to the essential skills employers want to see,” Crocker said. “For example, the Spanish for business is a value-added opportunity for students in business. We hope that will be attractive to students even who don’t want to be in the Spanish minor.”

The Spanish minor is set to be available for student enrollment beginning in the fall 2017 semester.

Benjamin Fisher may be reached at ben@scdaily

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