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Farm Bureau celebrates 100 years

Iowa Secretary of Agriculture Bill Northey gives a speech at the Floyd County Farm Bureau's Centennial celebration. Press photo by Thomas Nelson.
Iowa Secretary of Agriculture Bill Northey gives a speech at the Floyd County Farm Bureau’s Centennial celebration. Press photo by Thomas Nelson.
By Thomas Nelson,

The Floyd County Farm Bureau celebrated its 100th year Saturday evening at the Youth Enrichment Center at the Floyd County Fairgrounds.

During the ceremony Iowa Secretary of Agriculture Bill Northey was present and gave a speech on behalf of the Farm Bureau.

At a prime rib dinner, catered by Dave’s Restaurant in Charles City, the Floyd County Farm Burueau celebrated their centennial.

The entire Youth Enrichment Center was full of people.

Floyd County Farm Bureau President Jay Matthews started off the event welcoming everyone present and introduced the bureau’s officers and board members.

He also thanked Floyd County’s elected officials in the audience, including Charles City mayor James Erb and Floyd County Supervisor Linda Tjaden.

He introduced Northey to the audience prior to his speech.

Prior the celebration the Floyd County Farm Bureau held its 100th annual meeting.

“Serving Floyd County Agriculture for 100 years,” said the slides shown during the event.

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