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LETTER TO THE EDITOR Jettison the reverse-referendum idea

LETTER TO THE EDITOR Jettison the reverse-referendum idea

I have to agree with the article Bill Cavanaugh had in the paper the other day against the proposed idea by consultants of reverse referendum which basically is the allowing the spending of large sums of tax money by officials before being approved by a vote and then the public having to scramble to get a petition to fight it. They should be stopped in their tracks right now.

Hiring consultants that can dream up new ways to dip into the taxpayers’ pocket is grossly putting the power into their hands. I would think that decisions should be made by the people for the people, etc., you remember your history books.

Also, I see that we keep giving public employees increases in salaries, but Social Security has sent out reminders that no cost of living increases shall be allowed in 2016 for Social Security recipients. This affects many people. It affects what people get in trusts, retirement pensions and all that. Enough is enough. We also have to remember that Charles City and Floyd County, for that matter, are small populations and we can’t afford champagne ideas on beer salaries.

Dave Scrimger, Charles City

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