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LETTER: Crooks a strong leader worthy of being sheriff

By Anne Marie Sherman and Minessa Wiltse, Charles City

As secretaries in the Floyd County Sheriff’s Office, Anne Marie Sherman (hired in 1999) and Minessa Wiltse (hired in 2003), we feel we have firsthand knowledge of what kind of person Chief Deputy Jeffrey A. Crooks is and the kind of leadership he displays as chief deputy.

Chief Deputy Crooks has proven himself to be a strong leader by his commitment and dedication to the office and the citizens of this county. Jeff is a considerate person who takes the time to listen and help us out in the front office. When the need arises, Chief Deputy Crooks is eager to give a helping hand in the front office, and with his knowledge and experience of the many duties performed in the office we have an efficient running office. He knows that everyone should be treated respectfully and fairly. As secretaries, we have proven ourselves to treat people with respect and do what we can for them in a professional manner, because of his leadership.

Jeff is by far the most knowledgeable, experienced and dedicated candidate running for sheriff and he has proven this over the last 12 years by working his way up to the chief deputy position.

We, as secretaries, have full support for our Chief Deputy Crooks for Floyd County Sheriff. We ask you for your support in casting your vote for Chief Deputy Jeffrey A. Crooks on Nov. 8 for Floyd County sheriff so we can continue to have an efficient and pleasant working sheriff’s office.

Thank you for supporting our Chief Deputy Jeffrey A. Crooks for Floyd County Sheriff.

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