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LETTER: Voter I.D. and your freedoms

By Eugene F. Meier, Rockford

Do you worry that your next vote may be cancelled out by someone who didn’t think it was necessary to be registered? Some people in the Justice Department are so sympathetic that they think it is too burdensome to carry around any form of identification. That may pass in some foreign country, but not in America if you are to keep some semblance of order, at the voting booth. This has been true all through history, in every election up until the last eight years. Why would we want any more elections marred by illegal aliens who had no form of identification, but voted anyway?

It is only fitting that we have an honest count at every election.

Election fraud is rampant, persuasive and is undermining trust in our democratic process. Voting laws that everyone must follow are not racist.

What if unregistered felons swung elections and in the process chipped away at law and order by legalizing certain crimes and weakened the Justice System or weakened our border, even more than it is, and expand welfare benefits or grant amnesty to illegal aliens?

These dangers have been with us in every state. Polling shows 85 percent of the American people want voter fraud stopped and voter I.D. laws enforced for the good of humanity worldwide, because without American leadership the world will ignite into a ring of fire. And nuclear is not negotiable!

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