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Fischer: One year later

By Travis Fischer,

As you get older, you start to notice that the years start to blend together. You get set into a routine and before you know it annual events start to pop up like clockwork and you end up doing the same thing again and again.

That did not happen for me this year.

The printing of this newspaper will mark one year to the day I started my new job at the Charles City Press.

Fischer: One year later
Travis Fischer

It’s hard to believe the time has gone by so fast. It seems like just yesterday I was filling out paperwork to sign up for new health insurance. Actually, that was yesterday too. We’re still working on the insurance company getting my name spelled right.

It’s been an interesting year, getting to know Charles City. The annual events that may seem routine for some are all brand new for me. I’ve had a good time over the last year covering your performances, fundraisers, and summer activities.

I’ve also had the pleasure of getting to know a bunch of great people. The movers and shakers of this community have been great to work with and have made it easy to jump in to provide coverage.

Especially since it’s taken me so long to actually get up here.

I suppose part of what made this year go by so quickly was the slow-moving transition from long commutes and remote work to being in town full time. In spite of covering news here for a year now, I’ve only actually lived here for a few months. It’s one thing to write about the city’s housing needs, but it’s another thing to experience it first hand.

Moving was a bittersweet experience. I left behind my roommate and best friend, cheaper living expenses, and fiber internet to come here.

That said, there are definitely benefits to living here that have eased the blow. I’ve enjoyed the larger selection of goods and services available, with the variety of options for pizza being particularly notable.

And, of course, the people have been great. I’ve lived in a bunch of cities, big and small, and have never received as friendly as welcome from new neighbors as I have here.

One of the best things though is that I’ve finally gotten familiar enough with the city that I can navigate around it reasonably well. Sure, I’m still not convinced that there aren’t a series of portals that take you from the high school to Clark St., no matter which direction you drive, but as far as most things go I’m now at the point where I can reliably get from Point A to Point B without relying on Google Maps.

That realization hit me not long ago when I realized that I no longer counted the blocks or watched for street signs during my drive home.

There will eventually be a point where this all stops feeling new and I’ll stop referring to “my new apartment” and “my new job” in “my new city” and so on. I’m not quite there yet, but that too will happen someday without me even noticing and things will become routine again.

It’s been quite the year. There have been lot of firsts for me up here and I’m looking forward to seeing them all over again in the next 12 months.

— Travis Fischer is a news writer for the Charles City Press and is ready for Year Two.

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