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Letters to the Editor: Election door knocking; Senior Center Fall Festival thanks

Door knocking might have helped in election

By Robert Carey, Charles City

Once again an election has come and gone and you had your winners and losers. The real winners were the candidates who ran and the people who voted and were part of the process.

I thought the children of the community lost out too with regard to the school bond issue. The vote was 1,390 no and 1,038 yes – only 30 percent voter turnout.

I read letters in the paper and listened to commercials on the radio about the bond issue and everyone said to vote Nov. 7. There was nothing about going to the courthouse and voting from Oct. 18 to Nov. 7. There were people who were aware of this, but many that were not.

There were a lot of people who thought this bond issue would turn out the same as the courthouse and be an overrun, which was not true.

I also thought it would have helped to knock on doors and inform voters about the facts, but I did not get much interest with that idea. Apparently with the vote turnout just letting people know there was a vote it would have helped.

Oh well, just like Cubs fans used to say, wait till next year.

Thanks for help on Senior Citizens Fall Festival

Charles City Senior Citizens Board, Charles City

Thank you to everyone who helped in any way to make our annual Senior Citizen’s Fall Festival such a success again this year. Whether you made food, pies, bars, donated your time and/or money, whether you came to eat and support the cause, you made it happen!

Thanks to those who brought in a “treasure” to sell. We hope those who brought items use and enjoy their purchases.

We also sold many 2024 memberships to the Senior Citizens organization! There are a number of advantages to joining, including playing cards, pool, a free Christmas party on Dec. 9th, free rolls and coffee this winter on a Saturday morning in February, and a reduced rate of $10 if renting the place for a function during the year ($90 instead of $100 for 5 hours).

There’s lots happening at the Senior Center Monday through Friday. Although one doesn’t have to belong to the Senior Citizens to come to Congregate Meals, we’d love to have you as members. There are lots of good programs, excellent nutritious meals, fun fellowship, no prep, no tax or tip, no clean-up for you to do. Please stop and get a schedule for menus and activities or check on Channel 4. We thank especially KCHA and the CC PRESS.

Thanks again!

– The current Charles City Senior Citizens Board members are Clint Meyer, James Smith, Denny Tynan, Janet Garber, Vonda Cummins, Judy Hauser, Kip Hauser, Charlotte Nehls, Carol Tyler, Karen Nolte and Ivadell Stevenson, plus many other volunteers.

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