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It’s not a mystery how the Mystery Murder Dinner was a success

  • Jack C. Kloppenborg as Poison Rattenstien at the Murder Mystery Dinner Saturday night at the Floyd County Fairgrounds Youth Enrichment Center. Press photo by Thomas Nelson.

  • Murder Mystery participants review a table of silent auction items. Press photo by Thomas Nelson.

  • The "Rules of the mystery"found at every table read, "You are here to solve a mystery. It can only be solved by getting out of your seat and gathering the clues. "The guilty party is one of the name-tagged suspects. If you are correct you will win your heart's greatest desire as a prize*. Pay attention and await further instructions. *We assume your heart's greatest desire is an award and some applause." Press photo by Thomas Nelson.

  • Brandon Rumfelt portrays Johnny Diamond at the Murder Mystery Dinner Saturday night at the Floyd County Fairgrounds Youth Enrichment Center. Press photo by Thomas Nelson.

  • Brandon Rumfelt portrays Johnny Diamond at the Murder Mystery Dinner Saturday night at the Floyd County Fairgrounds Youth Enrichment Center. Press photo by Thomas Nelson.

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