By Matt Howlett, Pastor, First Baptist Church, Charles City
In high school, I was such a good student that on the very last day of my senior year I w...
By Matt Howlett, Pastor, First Baptist Church, Charles City
In high school, I was such a good student that on the very last day of my senior year I w...
By Pastor Isaac Johnson, New Hope Lutheran Church, Charles City
What are some of the greatest expenses in life? Kids come to mind, since I am the fat...
By Pastor Isaac Johnson, New Hope Lutheran Church, Charles City
What are some of the greatest expenses in life? Kids come to mind, since I am the fat...
By Rev. Daniel Larson, Pastor, Cross Lutheran Church, Charles City
Some of the most well-respected people in our society are those who wear uniforms:...
By Rev. Daniel Larson, Pastor, Cross Lutheran Church, Charles City
Some of the most well-respected people in our society are those who wear uniforms:...
By Pastor Paul and Dixie Phillips, Gospel Lighthouse Church, Floyd
And finally Saul son of Kish was chosen from among them. But when they looked for ...
By Pastor Paul and Dixie Phillips, Gospel Lighthouse Church, Floyd
And finally Saul son of Kish was chosen from among them. But when they looked for ...
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