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CLUB NOTES American Legion Auxiliary Unit #174


American Legion Auxiliary Unit #174

Members of Shannon Wilson American Legion Auxiliary Unit #174 met on Nov. 16 at the Legion Home. The meeting was called to order by President Mary Mooberry. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. The Chaplain offered prayer, followed by a moment of silence.

The reading of the previous month’s minutes was read, followed by the Roll Call of Officers. The Treasurer’s Report was given.

President Mary gave a short report on the Veterans Day Program. The Auxiliary rang the Salvation Army bell at Theisen’s on Nov. 29. The Auxiliary has collected 106 pairs of socks to be given away to local veterans. Mary has purchased the gift cards for the Thanksgiving baskets. A motion was made to pay the bills from the County and the Fourth District meetings. The Christmas Party will be held in January.

The Juniors are making sacks for the socks to be given away.

They are also sending Christmas cards to be sent to Veterans at Marshalltown. The Juniors are having a tree at the Festival of Trees at Otto’s Oasis this year.

The meeting was adjourned after the Coin March and the Prayer for Peace.

— Sharon Tieskotter

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