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LETTER: Wilhelm important to my child’s health

I’m an Iowa mom from Dallas Center. I want to thank your community for sending Mary Jo Wilhelm to the Iowa Senate. Thanks to her, my four-year-old son Abe’s life has greatly improved.

Abe was born with a rare genetic mutation. He suffers from epileptic seizures, autism, and other health problems. Often, the standard medicines made Abe’s life worse.

In 2015, however, our son’s neurologist suggested we try CBD – a form of cannabis oil made from marijuana. Thanks to Senator Wilhelm’s votes, we were able to do just that.

My son’s last seizure was almost 500 days ago! He’s doing so much better, smiling, talking, and growing up.

Iowa’s medical cannabis law will expire next year. We need a new law. We need to put doctors, not politicians, in charge of these decisions. Senator Wilhelm has voted to allow families like mine buy these medicines with a doctor’s prescription.

Please help ease my son’s suffering. Please vote to re-elect Mary Jo Wilhelm to the Iowa Senate.

Erin Miller, Dallas Center, Iowa


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