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Memorial observance set at Bataan Park

A memorial observance to “ remember those lost and to thank the local first responders who aid people every day in Grant County’ will be held at 1 p. m. Sunday, Sept. 11, at Bataan Park, near Fort Bayard.

“ I vividly remember the horrifying events of 9/11,’ Laura Wiest, committee chairwoman for the event, said, “and wanted to honor those innocent lives lost. And, after all the fires we had this year, we wanted to tell our hardworking fire, police and other emergency people how much we appreciate their efforts in a time of crisis. We are fortunate to have men and women who will risk their lives for us.

“Many people from across Grant County volunteered to join this committee and to participate in this non- political, non- partisanevent,’ she said. “ We have a cross section of the community working together — business people, retirees, students, teachers and veterans.’

Mary Hotvedt, committee member, said: “ All our lives were touched that day and we should appreciate howour entire country pulled together. Our firemen and police rushed into those burning towers not knowing if they’d come out. Many didn’t. We need to remember those who died and those who died trying to save them.’

“ We also want to thankthe three military units based here — the Army Reserve, the New Mexico National Guard and the Army Career Center,’ Wiest said. “If you’ve ever heard any of them talk about their experiences in Iraq or Afghanistan, you appreciate the sacrifices they made to keep us safe at home.

“ Additionally, we will be recognizing all veterans’ organizations in the county and we are holding the ceremony in Bataan Park, in the mining district, because many of our veterans are from that area,’ she said.

Flags will be flying at the entrance to the park. A Corre Caminos bus will take people from the parking lot to the pavilion, the release stated.

For more information, contact Wiest at 388- 4869.

“I vividly remember the horrifying events of 9/ 11,’ Laura Wiest, committee chairwoman for the event, said, “and wanted to honor those innocent lives lost. And, after all the fires we had this year, we wanted to tell our hardworking fire, police and other emergency people how much we appreciate their efforts in a time of crisis. We are fortunate to have men and women who will risk their lives for us.’

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