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Two racks per room?


Two racks per room?

Dear Readers: Here’s this week’s SOUND OFF, about luggage racks.

“Many people read your column, and I would like to make a public request: All lodging-type establishments should provide two luggage racks in every room.

“Many people travel alone and probably need only one, but as a frequently traveling couple, each of us would like to have one.

“We shouldn’t have to reserve a room with two beds so that we can have one for our luggage, but we often do.”

— Pat K., Cypress, Texas

Pat, I feel your pain, because when my husband, David, and I travel, he ends up putting his things on a chair. Sometimes I use a luggage rack, and other times I don’t. When traveling alone, I, too, ask for two double beds, and the second one becomes my extra desk.

Request an extra rack when you check in, or pull out the ironing board, set it up against a wall and voila — extra space! It may depend on the hotel/ motel; generally, the lowerpriced places don’t have them. It does cost the establishment to put one in every room, and two would make the cost of your room go up! Some “guests” will steal ANYTHING from a motel room that is not tied or anchored down!

— Heloise (Too many miles and too many hotels!)

SEND A GREAT HINT TO: Heloise P.O. Box 795000 San Antonio, TX 78279-5000 Fax: 1-210-HELOISE Email: Heloise(at)Heloise.


Hints from Heloise


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