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Valero volunteers raise funds for cancer research with cinnamon roll fundraiser

Valero volunteers raise funds for cancer research with cinnamon roll fundraiser
Valero volunteers raised more than $1,000 for Relay For Life with a cinnamon roll sale on Wednesday, April 17. Pictured are (from left) Jen Burton, Chad Buffington, Kim Wilson, Angie Michels, Caitlin Dohlman, Mike McCarty, and Ray Nehls. Press photo by Travis Fischer
By Travis Fischer,

Truck drivers going through Valero Renewables enjoyed a sweet start to their day as Valero volunteers put on their annual cinnamon roll fundraiser on Wednesday, April 17.

Coming in extra early, Valero employees baked 50 pans of cinnamon rolls to sell to drivers coming through in order to raise money for Relay For Life.

“A lot of folks buy a cinnamon roll and donate extra,” said Kim Wilson, who serves on Valero’s volunteer council.

The rolls weren’t just for truck drivers though. There were plenty of pastries on hand for individuals and businesses to pick up.

“Many people in the community pre-order pans,” said Wilson.

Although Relay For Life has not had a relay event in Floyd County since the COVID-19 pandemic, volunteers have continued to do what they can to raise funds for the American Cancer Society in other ways.

Going through about 500 cinnamon rolls, the Valero volunteers raised more than $1,000 to contribute to cancer research. They plan to do the same again this summer with a brats and hotdogs sale.

Wilson said she hopes that these events help keep Relay For Life in peoples’ minds and that maybe the relay itself will one day return.

“It would be nice,” said Wilson. “If it were started up again, Valero would be happy to participate.”

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