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LETTER: Vote for Clinton

By Cade Schmidt, CCHS 9th grade student

Who would I vote for? I would vote for Hillary Clinton because she wants to build on Obamacare and she wants to make immigrants feel like they belong in the United States. Also she wants to make everyone feel that they are equal. Hillary Clinton wants to build on Obamacare and make it bigger and better. So more people feel that we are a well-caring country and feel that if they need help then they can go get it and not pay a lot of money. Also she wants to make Obamacare a lot better so if people that are in need can get help when they need it and they can get it fast.

Hillary Clinton wants to make immigrants feel like they belong here in the United States. Most immigrants pay taxes and everything like they give more money to health care than people that are born in the United States and that lived here their whole life.

Hillary Clinton also wants to make everyone feel equal.

So if you are a different race then you would get treated like a white man. This would make our country much better because then people would not go around and shoot people because they are getting treated differently from a white person.

The president for you and the president for me is Hillary Clinton. She will make sure everyone has a job and that everyone will be treated equal to everyone no matter what color you are or race you are, you will get treated the same.

She will also create more jobs for people in America so they can have a job and make a family.

On Hillary Clinton’s use of her personal email to talk to people and store things in: she was not the only one that did that. There were other people that have done it also. She even said she should of never have used her personal email and that she regrets doing that and she would never do it again.

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