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LETTER: Jill Stein gets my vote for president

By Steven C. Hoeft  |   Charles City

It took eight long years but the Democratic National Committee finally got the candidate they really wanted in 2008. It took some dirty tricks to vanquish Sen. Bernie Sanders and I am very surprised there isn’t more outrage from the party that would be screaming bloody murder had Republicans been behind these nasty actions.

Now the party wants  the progressive votes.

There is too much fear mongering going on by the two major parties.

I will not be intimidated by either of them. The only person still running whose views are in sync with mine is Jill Stein.

You may say I am not a “good Democrat.”  I will not be shamed into voting for someone I don’t believe in.
Regardless who you vote for, let’s all vote our hopes and not our fears.
I believe  Etein’s policies will move our country forward.
— 20161031 —

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